Saturday, April 24, 2010

Is Your Dog Too Fat, Too Thin Or Just Right?

Each dog is an individual and even dogs from the same litter can differ greatly in their adult size and nutritional needs. You can’t rely on breed standards and books because they give standards, averages or ranges – there is no ideal weight chart that suits all dogs. So how do you tell if your dog is too fat, too thin or just right?

Some approaches for determining whether your dog is the right size or not are:
Or you can combine both into a process that Waltham has flowcharted for you at

Here are three graphics from the website that give you a quick visual overview of the key points you will find in the other more detailed condition charts. You can find more about the 14 year Purina life span study from the same site. The key findings being:
  • Lean dogs generally appear to live longer than other dogs (measured in years).
  • The need for treatment for certain health conditions can be delayed by years in lean dogs.
  • Lean dogs appear to delay the loss of body mass as they age.
  • Lean dogs appear to have fewer visible signs normally associated with aging, such as greying muzzles.
For a more detailed look at the research and its results check out:

Final note

If you are at all uncertain or concerned about your dogs weight or your dog comes in as underweight or overweight please speak to your vet.

References (in addition to links included in post)

1 comment:

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